Vien Nghien Cuu Cong Nghe Sinh hoc va Moi Truong - DH Nong Lam TP.HCM, RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT- NONG LAM University

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Định hướng nghiên cứu
- Vi sinh và bệnh học phân tử
Các công trình khoa học đã công b
a. Trong nước
1. Nguyen Bao Quoc, Nguyen Ngoc Bao Chau and Hitoshi Nakayashiki, 2013. The roles of NADH dehydrogenase in the infection structure formation of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Proceeding of National Conference of Biotechnology, Hanoi, Vietnam (in Vietnamese and in revision).
2. Nguyễn Bảo Quốc, Nguyễn Ngọc Bảo Châu, 2014.Vai trò của các gen yếu tố phiên mã MG - XLNR liên quan đến hoạt động của các gen Xylanase, Cellulases và khả năng gây bệnh của nấm đạo ôn Magnaporthe Oryzae.
b. Nước ngoài
1. Hitoshi Nakayashiki., Shugo Hanada, Nguyen Bao Quoc, Naoki Kadotani, Yukio Tosa, and Shigeyuki Mayama, 2005. RNA silencing as a tool for exploring gene function in Ascomycete fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 42:275-283.
2. Quoc Bao Nguyen, Naoki Kadotani, Seiji Kasahara, Yukio Tosa, Shigeyuki Mayama, and Hitoshi Nakayashiki., 2008. Systematic functional analysis of calcium signaling proteins in the genome of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, using a high-throughput RNA silencing system. Molecular Microbiology. 68(6): 1348 - 1365.
3. Hitoshi Nakayashiki and Quoc Bao Nguyen, 2008. RNA interference: roles of fungal biology. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 11: 1-9
4. Kadotani Naoki, Toshiki Murata, Nguyen Bao Quoc, Yusuke Adachi and Hitoshi Nakayashiki, 2008. Transcriptional control and protein specilization have roles in the functional diversification of two Dicer-like proteins in Magnaporthe oryzae. Genetics. 180: 1245–1249.
5. Quoc Bao Nguyen, Kenji Itoh, Ba Van Vu, Yukio Tosa, and Hitoshi Nakayashiki, 2011. Simultaneous silencing of endo-β-1,4 xylanase genes reveals their roles in the virulence of Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Microbiology. 81(4):1008-19
6. Ba Van Vu, Kenji Itoh, Quoc Bao Nguyen, Yukio Tosa and Hitoshi Nakayashiki, 2012. Cellulases belong to glycoside hydrolase family 6 and 7 contribute to the virulence of Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 25(9): 1135-1141.
7. Quoc Bao Nguyen, Samin Kim, and Paula Sundstrom, 2013. Functions of HCR in regulation of HWP1 gene expression of Candida albicans (in revision).

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Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 12-08-2014

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